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Just-In-Time Chip Translation

This tool is used for generating translations for chips after they are manufactured.

You will need an activator and a phone scoped to any club. A barcode scanner is also useful for motorsports chips. Turn on and sync the activator, and plug a loop in, coiled up for reading a single chip at a time. Go to the device in club admin, and under the ‘Tools…’ menu select ‘Translate Chips’. You need to be a super admin user to do this.

Select Motorsports or Human depending on the type of chips you want to translate.

Enter the Batch number you wish to use. At the bottom of the screen, under Current Translation, chips that already have a translation in this batch (if any) are displayed.

Above that you will see the last chip read by the activator.

Motorsports Chips

Plug the barcode scanner into the USB port of your computer, then click on the Barcode input as shown above. All you need to translate is a set of chips with label stickers and a chip siliconed or potted into the plastic. The chips can be in any order.

Scan a chip with the barcode scanner, and the chip label number will appear in the Current field. Then run the same chip across your loop, and its hex ID will show up in the Hex field. If both the hex and the label number are unused, they will be added to the translation which you will see under Current Translation. You will also see Assigned! show up under Status. You may reverse the order of these operations at any time. You can read the chip with the activator first, and then scan it’s label with the barcode scanner, and it will be translated if possible. You can switch order between chips.

Human Chips

The best way to do this is with potted chips that are unlabeled, and in any order. You will need a printed sheet of labels ready to go. Type in the Rack letter used for the labels. Current will show the first chip in this letter series that does not have an existing translation in this batch. Usually this should be 1, but if you’re coming back to a rack that you stopped half way through, Current will show the next chip that needs to be translated.

It is critical that chips are translated in order. Take the first sticker, in this case A1, place it on a chip, and then run the chip across your loop. You will see the chip’s hex code show up in Hex and Assigned! show up in Status if the chip can be assigned. You will also see the new translation show up at the top of the Current Translation table.

If the chip is already assigned, you will see its hex in Hex and Mismatch in Status.

1.4 seconds after reading a chip, Hex is cleared and Status goes back to Waiting. If a chip was translated, Current will be incremented to the next untranslated chip in the letter series, for example A2 in this case. Now you can repeat the process by taking the sticker A2, placing it on any chip, and running that chip across the loop.

The auto-increment will stop at 00, after which you will have to choose a new Rack.



The system will NOT prevent you from re-using the same Hex or Number that is already used in a different batch.

If you want to double check a chip at any time, running it across the loop will show it’s current number and hex code under Last Read. You can run a chip across the loop immediately after it is translated to see if it reads correctly.

This system will never overwrite existing translations. This means if you scan a chip that already has an existing number translation, even if you already have an unassigned number in Current waiting for a new chip, the existing translation will not be changed. Status will say Mismatch. If you scan a motorsports barcode that is already in the translation, reading an untranslated chip will not change the translation for the barcode number. Again Status will show Mismatch.

Updated on 2018-04-01

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